Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Just One Word...

A few weeks ago I found Moleskine journals with watercolor paper on the Internet. I ordered 2 in different sizes as a little Christmas present for myself.  When they arrived I realized I hadn't paid any attention to what size I ordered. One was only 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches big.  What was I going to do with that? I was a little worried that I wasted my money. I had just finished a small locket with for a Christmas gift and it gave me the idea to work small. 
I'm trying to sketch everyday...what if I filled the little journal with my daily sketches and what if I limited myself to one word to describe the day. It is an interesting idea. Can I sum up my day in one word? Can I make little sketches? Here is the beginning of my journal...

Here is an example of the difference one word can make. I made one horrible batch of cookies when I mixed up the word "tablespoon" for the word "cup".

It's hard to post work when I'm not absolutely pleased with it, but I think you can do anything you want in your sketchbook. Right?  So what its's my little one word sketchbook. 

Wonder what today's word will be?

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